Day: October 20, 2022

Learn to Shot put for beginners! Procedural Writing

Kia Ora, I am Patrick and this week in writing we have been learning about Procedural writing. Procedural Writing is basically a step-by-step instructional piece of text. Our task was to make a Procedural text about one of the sports we have to do on Athletics day. I chose to do Shot put because It is a pretty easy sport to write instructions about.

Anyways, Enjoy my Procedural writing.


How to throw the perfect Shot Put, For beginners 

You will need the following Materials:

  • Shot put
  • Hoop


INTRO: Firstly, you will need to place the hoop onto the ground and step in it, after that you will position yourself into the hoop. Then you pick up the shot put and place it against your neck. Make sure the shot put is in your writing hand to make it easier.


YOUR POSITIONING: Once you feel comfortable in your position, you point the opposite arm somewhere in the air, that will help you with your targeting.

THROWING IT: Now after you have done these steps, you then push back then pull forward and throw! But in Shot put, you don’t throw it like how you would a normal ball. In Shot put you have to push the ball out of your hand. Like this. 

WHAT YOU DO AFTER: After you have pushed the Shot put out of your hands, you then need to step behind your hoop and then go run to where your Shot put has landed, then pick it up and place it into your hoop.

Congratulations! You have done it. You are now a future Tom Walsh or Valarie Adams.


Hope you guys liked it and enjoyed it. Click this link for the Images and Gifs. QUESTION ALERT!!!!!!! What is your favourite Athletics sport? Mine is Shot put! Goodbye and have a good day!