Kia Ora and Welcome to an investigation to find out how many kids like each sport!
I wonder how we could figure it out… Aha collecting Data! Collecting data is where you go around and start asking people some questions, e.g Whats your favourite colour or Who do you think is going to win the finals. But you don’t just have to ask questions, people could just write you a sheet of what they like.
Today we were given some paper and we were given the favourite sport of 8 year old kids. 8 Kids liked Netball, 2 Likes Rugby and 2 likes Basketball too, 3 Likes soccer and 1 person likes Softball. So with the help of Statistics we used this information and put it in a graph. Here is my Graph.
I am looking forward to when we actually get to ask people some questions from the class. It will be really cool and then I get to do real people.
Patrick 🙂