Day: May 18, 2023

PBL Term 1-2, Lets learn GEM!

Over the course of term one we have looked at the question: How can we help build a resilient community? We are using something called The Resilience Project to understand simple tricks to make our lives better. I have learnt from the Resilience Project there are 3 tricks in order to be happier, GEM. Gem stands for Gratitude Empathy and Mindfulness.

The whole school had a showcase evening to look at all the students’ creations and learn more about The Resilience Project. Here is an invite I made:

For the showcase evening I worked with Danu, Oscar and Sean. We decided to create Gratitude Journals, Because According to Robert Emmons, Writing down what you are grateful for, your happiness increases by over 25%. Here is my final creation:

I now know more about/understand what Gem and the Resilience Project is and how I can use it in my life to be happier. Throughout the creating process I feel like I learnt and practised Gem really well. I could have been better at listening to my group. If I was to do this again, next time I would help more around my group.


What is some fun facts that you know about GEM?