Some Geography facts I have learnt over this long weekend

Hello everybody. As you may know, we have a long weekend for Queen Elizabeth the Second’s memorial day. Over this time period I have been studying some Geographical facts about Europe and Asia.


Here are some Geographical facts I have learnt about Asia.

  1. The Mongol Empire was the second largest empire in history. It stretched from Korea all the way to Poland. (Very Big).
  2. Most of Russia is in Asia, but most people want Russia to be fully European since that capital is in Europe.
  3. North Korea and South Korea is smaller than New Zealand. I know, crazy right!
  4. Borneo is the 3rd largest island in the world behind Greenland and New Guinea.
  5. Did you know that Asia is the largest continent Population wise and Area!


Now here is the Geographical facts I learnt about Europe.

  1. Europe is home to Sweden, and Sweden has the most islands in the world. Not even I knew that!
  2. Somehow Europe is the most peaceful continent. (I do not understand because of Ukraine and Russia, The Balkans and the Greece and Turkey argument.
  3.  Europe is described as peninsulas of peninsulas.
  4. Did you know that Europe is homed to most Micro states. (Basically really small countries)
  5. There are ONLY 50 countries in Europe. I would have thought that there would have been more.


Well that is my blog for the day. I hope you have learnt many things today. Comment below 1 fact you learnt about each continent. Goodbye!

6 thoughts on “Some Geography facts I have learnt over this long weekend

  1. Hi Patrick,
    I really like your blog Wow I didnt know any of those facts about Europe and Asia.
    One new fact I learnt about Europe is that its the most peaceful continen , and one fact I learnt about Asia is he Mongol Empire was the second largest empire in history.
    Whats your favourite continen out of Europe and Asia ?

    – Tayla 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Hello Tayla.

      Thank you for the comment. Which one is my favourite? It has to be Asia because the culture is very interesting and has a really great history.

      What is your favourite?
      From Patrick.

  2. Hello Patty.
    I found it very interesting that NZ is bigger than North Korea and South Korea.
    I also found that Europe being called the peninsulas of peninsulas is really cool.
    Do you know how many continents there are?
    From Oscar.

    1. Hello Oscar,

      There are 7 continents on this earth. North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania. I love how you learnt new things from my blog post.
      I have a question for you, do you know the biggest country of each continent?

      Goodbye! From Patrick

  3. Hey Patrick,
    I didnt know that their were only 50 countries in Europe. I thought they were gonig to be more

    What’s your favourite country?
    From Sean

    1. Hello Sean,
      Replying to your question, my favourite country has to be Italy because…
      Number 1: Very Warm
      Number 2: Nice Food
      Number 3: A huge variety of tourist attractions
      Number 4: A safe country for a popular country.

      What is your favourite country? From Patty.

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