Month: August 2022

Impulsive Podcast

Kia Ora and Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be what me and my group have made for our PBL presentation. Our PBL question was, “How can we use our voice to ensure our planet survives?” and our project was a Solar Panel Powered Electric Skateboard (SPPES).

What we have created is a Podcast that advertises the great things about our product. Our Skateboard is powered by a Solar Panel that is connected to an eco-friendly motor that does not run on gas. It starts in just simple steps by just relaxing your feet on the designated area, then  it will proceed to push you around your sidewalks or anywhere you choose.

We decided to make this because we noticed that peoples legs always get tired of pushing themselves while skating on the skateboard. Our product will automatically drive itself by the power of Solar energy once you get on. Best thing is that unlike the Lime scooter needed to pay $0.15 per minute its complete free to ride.


We learnt how we could make more people draw attention to our podcast, we learnt that we all needed to have expression and catchy words, That is exactly what we had done. Anyways  now we get to the fun bit, by clicking on the links you will be able to find our final product.




Anwyas I hope you have enjoyed this blog, See you later!

Would you buy this product?




CSO Visit

This week the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra (CSO) came into our hall to introduce some of their instruments and what they do.

The instrument that I liked the most was the trombone because it was the loudest out of any instrument in the Orchestra, it was also a part of the brass family which I like the most.

The thing that surprised me the most was the string family because they went from a small violin to a big violin which I have forgotten the name of. 

Something that I found interesting was the flute because they needed this thing to make the flute stand out and sound beautiful.

What is your favourite instrument in the Orchestra? I have to go now, Goodybe.


Swimming Post Blog

We have just finished two weeks of swimming lessons at QEII.

In my last blog post I wanted to use this week to improve on how to work on my scaling, I have been unsuccessful because we only actually did scaling on the last day and had no time to practice.

This week, we did a lot of water safety skills. Something that I have learnt is when you are drowning and you raise your hand you do not swing it around, and this is important because people may think that you’re just waving at them.

The thing that I enjoyed the most this week was pyjama day because I learnt how to swim with heavy clothes on, it was very challenging because my pyjamas were really heavy.

Something that I want to learn next time I have swimming lessons at school, is to try to hold my breath underwater so that I can swim far while holding my breath in competitions and challenges so I have a better advantage of winning.