Hundertwasser Art. SLJ Task

Kia Ora everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today I did the task of learning about Austrian painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Something unique about Hundertwasser’s artworks is that he never uses straight lines. Something that we also can commonly see in his artworks are spirals, onion domes and lollipop trees.

Hundertwasser painted wherever he was, at home, in nature and on the road, in cafés and restaurants, on the train or on aeroplanes, in hotels or at the homes of friends or acquaintances he was visiting. He had no studio and did not paint at an easel, but instead spread the canvas or sheet of paper flat in front of him.

Hundertwasser believed that nature and human beings should live in harmony together, and sometimes painted trees in rooftops of buildings, the grass pink and the sky green. Hundertwasser also enjoyed designing real buildings. Like the Hudertwasser public restrooms in Kawakawa. Or the Auckland Hundertwasser art gallery.


Our task was to make a copy of some slides and answer some questions. Once we have done that we then had to make our own painting by using Hudertwasser’s technique. Which is Lollipop Trees, Onion domes and absolutely NO STRAIGHT LINES! Here are my creations.

Goodbye and have a great holiday! Who is your favourite artist? Mine is Leonardo da Vinci.


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